Companies with the SDK label

Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Logo, SDK small
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cessange

226, rue de Cessange, L-1321 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cessange

2, rue Verte, L-2667 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Dommeldange

MOSE - 0001
1, rue Mongenast - Servais, L-2161 Luxembourg
Label from :  05.11.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Eich

MUHB - 0151
151, rue de Mühlenbach, L-2168 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.06.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gare

FISA - 092A
92a, rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1521 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gare

WLTM - 0017
17, rue Michel Welter, L-2730 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gasperich

19, rue Verdi, L-2664 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gasperich

17, rue Verdi, L-2664 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gasperich

46, rue de Gasperich, L-1617 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gasperich

8, rue Rossini, L-2451 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Hamm

HAMR - 0159
159, rue de Hamm, L-1713 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.06.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Hamm

HAMR - 0157 A
157 A, rue de Hamm, L-1713 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.06.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Kirchberg

BEFF - 0001
1, rue Anne Beffort, L-1276 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.11.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Kirchberg

NOPP - 0010
10, rue Noppeney, L-2231 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.11.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Limpertsberg

HUGO - 0059
59, avenue Victor Hugo, L-1750 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.06.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Limpertsberg

WEBB - 0001
1, rue Batty Weber, L-2716 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Merl

MERL - 0152
152, rue de Merl, L-2146 Luxembourg
Label from :  24.05.2016
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Rollingergrund

239, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole précoce Quartier Rollingergrund

213, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole primaire Quartier Merl

CAHE - 0062
62, boulevard Marcel Cahen, L-1311 Luxembourg
Label from :  11.12.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecole Weimerskirch / Projet RAI

LARO - 0002
2, rue Laroche, L-1918 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.11.2015
Educational institution

VDL – Ecoles Préscolaires Quartier Cents

19, rue Tornaco, L-2623 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.06.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Ecoles préscolaires Quartier Eich

EICR - 0010
151, rue de Mühlenbach, L-2168 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire BEGGEN

Marche - 34
34, rue de Marche, L-2125 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire BONNEVOIE

SHLE - 0055 / SHLE - MODU
55, rue Demy Schlechter, L-2521 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire BONNEVOIE Verger

39, rue des Vergers, L-2665 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire CENTS

KNAF - 0025
25, rue Arthur Knaff, L-1862 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire CESSANGE

CESS- 0217
217, rue de Cessange, L-1321 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire DOMMELDANGE

CHTU - 0002
2, rue du Château, L-1329 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire EICH

EICR - 0016
16, rue d'Eich, L-1460 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.09.2007
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire GARE

CONG - 0005 / STRR - 029A
20, rue du Commerce, L-1351 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire Gasperich

GASP - 60
60, rue de Gasperich, L-1617 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2013
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire Gellé

CIME - 011A / GELL - 0006
6a, rue Jean- Baptiste Gellé, L-1620 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2006
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire HAMM

HAMR - 157A
159, rue de Hamm, L-1713 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire KIEM

BEFF - 0001
1 et 4, rue Anne Beffort, L-1276 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire MERL

98, rue de Merl, L-2146 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire Pinocchio Inter-actions

WALF - 0016
11, rue Henri Vannérus, L-2662 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2007
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire Quartier Bonnevoie

PRES - 0018
18, rue des Près, L-2349 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.03.2019
Educational institution


ROLL - 0213
213, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyer Scolaire Tramschapp

ERME - 0049
49 a, rue Ermesinde, L-1469 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Educational institution

VDL – Foyers scolaires – administration

TRUS - 0167
167, rue de Trèves, L-2630 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Recreation and culture

VDL – Grand Théâtre de la VDL

SHUB - 0001
1, rp. Robert Schuman, L-2525 Luxembourg /Limpertsberg
Label from :  15.09.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport , Salle Pierre Henckes JR.

GANG - 0042
42, rue Jean-François Gangler, L-1613 Luxembourg (Bonnevoie)
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport & Centre Culturel Kirchberg

FRIE - 0040
40, bv. Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg (Kirchberg)
Label from :  01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport Beggen

ROCH - 026B
26, rue de Rochefort, L-2431 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport Cents

KAUF - 0051
51, rue Leon Kauffman, L-1853 Luxembourg (Cents)
Label from :  13.04.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport Cessange

JSPH - 0012
12, rue St. Joseph, L-1838 Luxembourg (Cessange)
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport Gasperich

ROSS - 0004
4, rue Gioacchino Rossini, L-2451 Luxembourg (Gasperich)
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall Omnisport Stade Josy Barthel

STAD - 0003
3, rue du Stade, L-2547 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2011
Educational institution

VDL – Hall Polyvalent Rollingergrund

ROLL - 0239
239, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall sportif Adam Roberti

CAHE - 0062
62, bd M. Cahen, L-1311 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hall sportif Cents

bvd - 001A
1A, bvd Charles Simonis, L-2539 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Hôtel de Ville

GUIP - 0042
42, Place Guillaume II, L-1648 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.12.2009
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Jeunesse – Info Subsides

GUIP - 0028
28, place Guillaume II, L-1648 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.12.2009
Recreation and culture

VDL – Kapuzinertheater

THEA - 0009
9, place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
Label from :  15.09.2015
Sewage treatment

VDL – Kläranlag Beggen

1, rue du Pont, L-7245 Bereldange
Label from :  01.04.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Les 2 Musées

Collections et Ateliers HUGO-0060
60a, avenue Victor Hugo, L-1750 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.07.2013
Recreation and culture

VDL – Lëtzebuerg City Museum

ESPR - 0014
14, rue du St. Esprit, L-1475 Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
Label from :  14.08.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Luxembourg City Tourist Office

CHIM - 0009
9, rue Chimay, L-1333 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.12.2009
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Office Social

90A, rue de Strasbourg, L-2560 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Personal Délégatioun

CHPL - 0019
19, rue de la Chapelle, L-1325 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.08.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Piscine (Bassin d’Apprentissage) Gare

COMM - 0020
20, rue du Commerce, L-1351 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Piscine (Bassin d’Apprentissage) Gasperich

ROSS - 0004
4, rue Gioacchino Rossini, L-2451 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Commercial services

VDL – Salle de Gymnastique Mühlenbach-Eich

MUHB - 0151
151, rue de Mühlenbach, L-2168 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Salle Pier Pelkes Dommeldange

MOSE - 0001
1, rue Mongenast - Servais, L-2161 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Educational institution

VDL – Service Capel Millebach

ECOL - 0004 / METZ - 0140
4-10, rue de l'Ecole, L-1454 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2009
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Communal (Rocade)

LBRA - 0003
3, rue du Laboratoire, L-1911 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2010
Recreation and culture

VDL – Service Communal Logement

90A, rue de Strasbourg, L-2560 Luxembourg
Label from :  03.06.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Eaux

ROLL - 0338
338, rue du Rollingergrund, L-2442 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.11.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Hygiène

ARLO - 0048
48, route d'Arlon, L-1140 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.1995
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Maintenance

550, rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg
Label from :  12.11.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Parcs

RECK - 0313
132, rue de Reckenthal, L-2410 Luxembourg
Label from :  02.12.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Sécurité

FAIE - 027A
27 A, la Faïencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2010
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Sports

90, bd de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Sports

Administration-Bâtiment Principal
90, bd de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Service Sports

Hall sportif Belair
14, rue d'Ostende, L-2271 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Services cimetières -bâtiment technique

CROi - 0275
275, Val Ste Croix, L-1371 Luxembourg
Label from :  22.11.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Stadter Kierfecht

BOGE - 0001
rue Nico Klopp, L-1510 Luxembourg
Label from :  22.11.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – T.I.C. Réseaux et Communications

ROOS - 0002
2, bv. Franklin D. Roosevelt, L-2450 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.10.2012
Passenger transport

VDL – Véhicule et Maintenance – Autobus AVL

BOUI - 0063
63, rue Bouillon, L-1248 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.01.1994
Recreation and culture

VDL – Villa Vauban

REUT - 0018
18, avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
Label from :  14.08.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL – Voirie & éclairage public

CLAM - 0039
3, rue des Sports, L-2548 Luxembourg
Label from :  17.03.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Bain municipal bd Royal

BAIN - 0012
12, rue des Bains, L-1212 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2011
Recreation and culture

VDL- Cinémathèque Salle de Projection

THEA - 0017
17, place du Théâtre, L-2613 Luxembourg (Ville Haute)
Label from :  01.05.2011
Educational institution

VDL- Ecole Fondamentale Bonnevoie-Gellé -Cycle 4

23a, rue des Ardennes, L-1133 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2012
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Hall Omnisport Hamm

HAMR - 0157
157, rue de Hamm, L-1713 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.07.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Patinoire Kockelscheuer

BETT - 0042
42, rue de Bettembourg, L-1899 Luxembourg/Kockelscheuer
Label from :  01.02.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Piscine (Bassin d’Apprentissage) Limpertsberg

CLMT - 0001
1, rue Frantz Clement, L-1345 Luxembourg/Limpertsberg
Label from :  01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Salle de Gymnastique y compris centre sociét.

STRR - 0029
29, rue de Strasbourg, L-2561 Luxembourg (Gare)
Label from :  01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL- Service forêts

SARP - 0103
105, rue des Sept - Arpents, L-1149 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.07.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations

VDL-Service Pedago-Psycho-Socio-Medical

DIDE - 0110
110, av. Gaston Diederich, L-1420 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2012
Educational institution

Veiner Jugendhous – Maison des Jeunes

16, rue de Huy, L-9415 Vianden
Label from :  27.07.2016

Velo Sport Center

7, Av. John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.10.1997
Commercial services

Veolia Luxembourg s.a.

Casa-Ferrero International
16, route de Trèves, L-2633 Senningerberg
Label from :  21.12.2023
Commercial services

Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / BEI

1, rue Geespelt - Z.I., L-3378 Livange
Label from :  03.07.2020
Commercial services

Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / Cour de Justice de l’UE

plateau de Kirchberg, L-2925 Luxembourg
Label from :  26.06.2019
Commercial services

Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / Parlement Européen

2, rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-1615 Luxembourg
Label from :  03.07.2020
Commercial services

Veolia Luxembourg sa / Livange

1, rue Geespelt - Z.I., L-3378 Livange
Label from :  07.08.2019

Verda s.à.r.l.

8, zone um Woeller, L-4410 Sanem / Soleuvre
Label from :  13.04.2016

Vereal s.a.

23, rue de l'industrie, L-8069 Bertrange
Label from :  01.10.2012