Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.
Roof and insulation
Toiture Antony E. s.à.r.l.
Label from : 01.05.2012
Roof and insulation
Toiture Moderne NE s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.09.1999
Roof and insulation
Toiture Schengen-Koch s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.11.1996
Roof and insulation
Toitures GOERENS S.à r.l.
Label from : 01.03.2010
Roof and insulation
Toitures Gregorius
Label from : 01.01.2013
Roof and insulation
Toitures Kremer Jängi & fils
Label from : 01.09.2004
Roof and insulation
Toitures Nilles Sàrl
Label from : 01.04.1998
Roof and insulation
Toitures Pick succ. Huynen s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.02.2007
Roof and insulation
Toitures Stoffel-Reding sàrl
Label from : 19.09.2023
Commercial services
Tokheim Solutions Belgium N.V.
succurçale Luxembourg
Label from : 02.04.2015
Trade and car repairs
Tomcar s.a.
Label from : 07.02.2018
Commercial services
Topp & Screed
Label from : 31.07.2014
Heating and sanitary
Topsolar sa
Label from : 01.03.2011
Service stations
TotalEnergies – Mazout Berens
Label from : 01.09.1998
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Touristcenter Heringer Millen
Label from : 17.06.2024
Commercial services
tpa – time power advantage sa
Label from : 09.01.2018
Commercial services
TR Engineering
Label from : 20.10.2016
Building sector
TRAGELUX Construction s.à r.l.
Label from : 23.02.2023
Building sector
Tralux sàrl
Label from : 01.09.2009
Merchandise traffic
Transass sa
Label from : 16.02.2015
Merchandise traffic
Transco sa
Label from : 01.12.2010
Merchandise traffic
Trasolux s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.10.2012
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl
Résidence Nico Kremer
Label from : 01.11.2007
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl – Admin.& Résid. Walfer Schlass
Label from : 17.12.2018
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl – Centre Jean Heinisch
Label from : 01.05.2010
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl – Chocolat du Coeur
Label from : 17.12.2018
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl – Foyer Emile Künsch
Label from : 01.11.2007
Organisations and associations
Tricentenaire asbl – Résidence A Pultz
Label from : 01.11.2007
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Tridoc s.a.
Cuisine Centralisée Parc Heisdorf
Label from : 20.12.2023
Commercial services
Trifolion Echternach
Label from : 13.11.2024
Trade and car repairs
Truck & Bus
Service Truck sàrl
Label from : 01.08.2004
Heating and sanitary
TSD sa
Label from : 06.11.2019
TSG Steinebach s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.10.2009
TSRC (Lux.) Corporation S.à.r.l.
Label from : 16.10.2024
Banks and insurances
UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch
Label from : 01.03.2004
Organisations and associations
UEL – Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises
Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
Label from : 30.11.2018
Recycling and disposal
UMZ s.à r.l. – Umwelt Management Zens
Deponie SIGRE Muertendall
Label from : 01.10.2004
International organisations
Unicef asbl
Comité lux. Pour l'Unicef asbl
Label from : 01.07.2009
Banks and insurances
Union Investment Luxembourg s.a
Label from : 11.07.2014
Organisations and associations
Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs
Nouvelle Asbl
Label from : 10.07.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Unité de contrôle
Ministère de l'Agriculture
Label from : 01.07.2007
Educational institution
Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval
Maison du Savoir
Label from : 10.12.2024
Educational institution
Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval
Maison des Sciences Humaines
Label from : 10.12.2024
Educational institution
Université du Luxembourg – Campus Weicker
Label from : 16.02.2015
Trade and car repairs
Used Cars by Losch
Label from : 20.02.2020
Commercial services
Valentiny HVP architects s.à.r.l.
Label from : 13.03.2015
Organisations and associations
Valorlux Asbl
Label from : 17.10.2024
Educational institution
Vauban Ecole et Lycée Français
Label from : 01.04.2008
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Conservatoire de Musique –
CHMA - 0033
Label from : 01.09.2005
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Circulation
CHAU - 0098
Label from : 01.01.1996
Recreation and culture
VDL – Administration Musée Communal
MRHE - 0038
Label from : 14.08.2013
Recreation and culture
VDL – Atelier Theatre des Capucins
HOLL - 0087
Label from : 01.10.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Bierger – Center
ROYA - 0051
Label from : 30.09.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Bouneweger Schwämm
SIGM - 0030
Label from : 01.05.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – CAPEL – Atelier de Menuiserie
CHTU - 0002
Label from : 01.03.2010
Recreation and culture
VDL – Centre Culturel (anc. Tramsschapp)
ERME - 0049
Label from : 01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Centre Culturel Beggen
ROCH - 026B
Label from : 12.01.2015
Recreation and culture
VDL – Centre Culturel Neudorf
NEUD - 0254
Label from : 07.03.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Centre d’Intervention Canalisation
CHAU - 0095
Label from : 29.11.2013
Recreation and culture
VDL – Centre Socio – Culturel “Le Cité”
GENI - 0003
Label from : 01.04.2012
Recreation and culture
VDL – Cercle Municipal
GENI - 0002
Label from : 01.04.2012
Recreation and culture
VDL – Cinémathèque Photothèque – Reliure
RUPP - 0010
Label from : 01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Complexe Scolaire, sociétaire et sportif
COMM - 0020
Label from : 22.10.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Complexe Sportif Boy Konen
SPOR - 0003
Label from : 01.02.2011
Educational institution
VDL – Crèche Garderie rte Arlon
Label from : 01.03.2010
Educational institution
VDL – Crèche Garderie rue de la Barrière
Label from : 01.03.2010
Educational institution
VDL – Crèche Municipale rue George C. Marshall
Label from : 01.03.2010
Educational institution
VDL – Crèche Municipale rue d’Orval
Label from : 01.03.2010
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fond. et Foyer Quartier Hollerich
MEYE - 0021
Label from : 22.10.2014
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole Fondamentale Bonnevoie-Gellé – Cycle 1
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole Fondamentale Bonnevoie-Gellé-Cycl. 2/3
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Clausen C1
Label from : 06.02.2014
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale de Cessange C.1-4
Label from : 01.06.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Beggen
Label from : 01.04.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Beggen
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Belair
DIDE - 0063
Label from : 10.06.2015
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Bonnevoie
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Bonnevoie
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Bonnevoie
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Bonnevoie
Label from : 01.03.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cents
Label from : 01.06.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cents
Label from : 01.04.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cessange
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Cessange
Label from : 01.05.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Dommeldange
MOSE - 0001
Label from : 05.11.2013
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Eich
MUHB - 0151
Label from : 01.06.2012
Educational institution
VDL – Ecole fondamentale Quartier Gare
FISA - 092A
Label from : 01.05.2012