Green Events

“Green Events”

Not a weekend goes by in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg without village fairs, festivals, sporting or cultural events taking place. We owe this dynamism to many associations that enable visitors to dine, relax and spend time with their families. However, this also increases waste production and the consumption of energy needed for heating, cooking, lighting and transport. In short, these events impact the environment, the climate and the local community.

What is a Green Event?

A Green Event is therefore an event that seeks to reduce its negative impact on the environment, local residents and the climate.

Why was the Green Events project set up?

“Green Events” was developed to reduce the environmental footprint of events organised in Luxembourg and thus promote environmentally sustainable events by informing, raising awareness and accompanying organisers who wish to take a more environmentally conscious approach to their events.

The project was initiated by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Biodiversity. Oekozenter Pafendall ASBL and SDK are responsible for coordinating the project and advising the organisers.

What support is offered?

  • Website –
  • Individual consultation
  • Interactive info conferences
  • Logos for recognition