

Dismantling buildings in a more cost-efficient and resource-efficient way

If building materials become mixed up after demolition, it is time-consuming and expensive to extract reusable materials as separately as possible for the recycling process. Separately collecting the types of materials in the building before demolition, followed by separate collection on the site, can go a long way towards achieving separate categories of materials, and is therefore preferred over collecting materials mixed together and then proceeding to sort them. Therefore, the requirements for high-quality recycling and better exploitation of the various categories of materials can be achieved better this way. Selective building demolition therefore promotes high-quality recycling. It is also necessary to identify and separately collect contaminated building materials in order to avoid contamination of uncontaminated materials and to dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with legal requirements.

The SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber construction site concept, when applied to dismantling buildings, comprises a variety of measures that all combine as a whole to improve waste prevention and management on the construction site and thereby to contribute towards reducing costs, environmental sustainability and workplace safety.

All demolition, renovation and construction projects must be thoroughly planned and executed to achieve cost savings and to minimise harm to the environment.

As the initiator of the demolition works and the waste producer, the developer bears overall responsibility for designing and producing an inventory of materials.

In order to identify and implement opportunities for reuse/recycling, the Environment Agency of the Luxembourg Government, together with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, LIST jointly produced a guide on how to produce an inventory of building materials when dismantling a building. This inventory of materials should, if possible, be produced at the beginning of a demolition project and be updated as the dismantling project proceeds.

Demolition Waste

Concepts and measures for waste prevention and recycling according to the principles of the Circular Economy. Any construction, dismantling and demolition work will inevitably create waste. Any relevant legal requirements applying to waste management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste must be identified and implemented. The SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber construction site concept comprises a variety of measures that all combine as a whole to improve waste prevention and management on the construction site and thereby to contribute towards reducing costs, environmental sustainability and workplace safety. Selective building dismantling is playing an increasingly significant role.

Document – Deconstruction
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