Historically, that is to say for the past 30 to 40 years, the benchmark for quality in the systematic assessment of buildings has often been considered to be energy efficiency. Recent years have seen a growing prevalence of building and sustainability assessment systems that, as well as an already comprehensive ecological assessment, also look at broader aspects of assessing housing quality. This means that societal, social, local and other aspects of sustainability are incorporated into the building assessment. In Luxembourg, a certification system was developed, based on existing systems, which is specifically fine-tuned to the needs of residential properties (both houses and flats).
Comprehensive quality assurance during construction is a key factor in professionally implementing a design. There is a whole series of certification systems that enable firms to organise, monitor and improve their processes and the quality of the work they deliver. Most of these systems also include environmental aspects. By selecting certified firms, the quality of construction can be increased.
By choosing certified SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Betriber firms, the construction can be awarded up to 5 points under the LENOZ certification. (Points 5.5.2, 5.5.4, 5.5.6, 5.5.8, 5.5.10 of the LENOZ Handbook, Version 53 dated 12 December 2016).
In addition, up to 2 further points can also be awarded when a comprehensive construction site waste concept complies with SDK rules. (Point 5.5.11 of the LENOZ Handbook, Version 53 dated 12 December 2016).
Separated waste collection, corresponding waste transportation, waste prevention, disposal and providing evidence are the main inspection points for labelling the construction site under the SDK concept.
To register your construction site, please contact Eric Corrignan or Jeff Schmit.
Organisation and Information
Waste sorting, disposal and providing evidence
a) Collection point on the construction site.
Each category of waste materials will be sorted and collected in containers on the construction site. Removal and disposal must be carried out by an authorised disposal firm. You need your provider’s weighing slips or invoices in order to generate the waste balance sheet.
b) Transportation and disposal of waste from each trade individually
Each trade must provide evidence of the quantity disposed of and the recipient of each material.
Operations that have been awarded the SDK label only need to provide an estimate of the quantity disposed of.
Waste transportation:
a) Collection point on the construction site.
The disposal firm must be able th show a valid autorisation from the Luxembourg Environment Agency.
Positive list:
Waste management: Search by company name
b) Transportation and disposal of waste from each trade individually:
Each individual trade must be able to show a valid Registration from the Luxembourg Environment Agency.
Waste management: Search by company name or type of registration
Auditing the construction site
Inspection points:
- Waste collection
- Waste storage
- Waste transportation
- Providing evidence
- Balance sheet
If the criteria of the SDK concept are met, the construction site may be awarded the SDK label upon completion.