Environment management – Certification as per EMAS and ISO 14001
Since 1999 the activities by SuperDrecksKëscht® are ISO 14001, since 2017 also with EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) der EU certified. The ISO 14001 certification is an internationally recognized quality standard for environment management of trade, service and commercial companies. The main objective of the ISO 14001 is the continuous improvement of the environment management system of a company relating to all fields that can have an impact on the environment.
Within the frame of its environment management the SDK has committed to particularly contribute to bring about ecological change in society. The following aspects and measures play an important role:
- Energy management,
- Saving of raw material,
- Use of new environment friendly processes,
- Training in environment protection,
- Verification of impacts on the environment,
- Measures to minimize emissions,
- Protection of the environment by suppliers and partners.
Environmental policy of the SuperDrecksKëscht®.
It is not enough to set goals, it is also necessary to take measures to achieve them. The implementation is checked every three years by the TÜV-Saarland. The last verification took place in March 2023 and had as a result, that all requirements of the environment management system where complied with.