Demanufacturing plants are traditionally evaluated on the basis of recycling and reuse rates. This approach takes into account only the input flows in a recycling process, so recycling rates of > 90 % are the rule rather than the exception.

As a result of this situation and the resource strategy of the European Community and its member states, SDK has developed a concept that takes the idea of resource efficiency fully into account. The concept of the resource potential certification of demanufacturing plants meets the requirements of standard DIN ISO 14024 and therefore permits transparent, verifiable, neutral and product-related evaluation of treatment, recycling and disposal plants. The use of this resource indicator puts demanufacturing plants in a position to show the actual volumes of recovered raw materials and the proportion used for energy generation and hence to reveal the potential to save primary resources.
Both the input and output flows are taken into account in the calculation in the course of resources potential certification.
Benefits of resource potential certification of demanufacturing plants:
- Transparent, verifiable, neutral and product-related evaluation of demanufacturing plants
- The actual volumes of recovered raw materials and the proportion used for energy generation are shown and the savings in primary resources are revealed
- Efficient calculation tool for evaluating varied treatment processes at product recipients
- Graphical display of the final output products and their value by means of colour coding
For further information on resources potential certification please contact SDK through:
Frank Fellens – Phone: +352 488 216 312 – Email:
The concept of resources potential is listed as “good practice” on the website of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: