Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Polyvalent 2
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Garage
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Menuiserie
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Femmes
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Polyvalent 1
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Imprimerie
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Reliure
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Serrurerie
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Peinture
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Magasin de vente / Épicerie
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier d'entretien électrique
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
At. entretien menui. & peinture
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier Trousseau
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Atelier d'entretien serrurerie
Label from : 09.04.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Label from : 13.04.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg
Service Corvée ext.
Label from : 16.05.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre Pénitentiaire Luxembourg – Schrassig
Administration & bureaux
Label from : 09.04.2021
Educational institution
Centre Polyvalent de l’Enfance Kirchberg
Commission Européenne
Label from : 10.07.2018
Educational institution
Centre Polyvalent de l’Enfance Mamer
Commission Européenne
Label from : 14.12.2018
Organisations and associations
Centre Post Thérapie Mamerdall
Stëmm vun der Strooss a.s.b.l.
Label from : 29.06.2015
Educational institution
Centre pour le développement intellectuel
CDI annexe Clervaux
Label from : 01.10.2004
Educational institution
Centre pour le développement intellectuel
Annexe Warken
Label from : 01.07.2008
Educational institution
Centre pour le développement intellectuel
Annexe Kannercampus Belval
Label from : 21.11.2023
Educational institution
Centre pour le développement intellectuel
Annexe Echternach
Label from : 01.12.2007
Educational institution
Centre pour le développement moteur
Label from : 25.09.2014
Health and care institutions
Centre pour personnes handicapées ‘Am Klouschter’
Label from : 01.01.2005
Educational institution
Centre Scolaire et Sportif “Parc Housen”
Sispolo Parc Housen
Label from : 18.12.2018
Educational institution
Centre Scolaire Koetschette
Schoul Kietscht
Label from : 01.11.2009
Educational institution
Centre SNJ – Atelier créActif Colmar Berg
Label from : 16.12.2016
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Centre SNJ Eisenborn
Label from : 01.01.2007
Educational institution
Centre SNJ Erpeldange
Label from : 24.09.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Centre SNJ Hollenfels
Label from : 01.04.2005
Educational institution
Centre SNJ Larochette
Label from : 24.09.2014
Educational institution
Centre SNJ Marienthal
Label from : 03.02.2014
Educational institution
Centre Socio-Educatif de l’Etat – CSEE
Label from : 28.01.2019
Passenger transport
Centre Thérapeutique Syrdall Schlass Manternach
Label from : 01.01.2006
Label from : 01.10.2011
Qualification and employment companies
CEPA – Centre Européen pour la
Propagation des arts asbl
Label from : 01.03.2023
Ceratizit Luxembourg sàrl
Label from : 01.02.2007
Organisations and associations
Cercle de Coopération des ONG
Label from : 31.05.2018
Passenger transport
Label from : 01.11.2008
Passenger transport
CFL – Atelier Central
Label from : 01.03.2004
Passenger transport
CFL – Bus / Service BU
Label from : 01.07.1995
Passenger transport
CFL – Direction Générale
Bâtiment Dairy House
Label from : 01.02.2013
Passenger transport
CFL – Funiculaire
Service MI
Label from : 12.11.2019
Passenger transport
CFL – Gare de Luxembourg
Label from : 10.10.2024
Passenger transport
Label from : 01.12.2005
Passenger transport
CFL – Service GI – MI
Unité énergie
Label from : 01.05.1997
Merchandise traffic
CFL – technics
Ateliers Bettembourg
Label from : 13.11.2019
Passenger transport
CFL Cargo
Triage Bettembourg-Dudelange
Label from : 01.12.2005
Merchandise traffic
CFL Cargo sa / Belval
CFL mutimodal sa
Label from : 22.03.2021
Merchandise traffic
CFL Logistics – Bât. Entrepôt logistique
Label from : 16.01.2018
Merchandise traffic
CFL Multimodal s.a.
Label from : 01.07.2008
Merchandise traffic
CFL Technics sa
Site Arcelor Mittal Belval
Label from : 04.04.2019
Trade and car repairs
CFL Terminals sa
Label from : 01.08.2010
Merchandise traffic
CFL- technics
Atelier de Pétange s.a.
Label from : 01.09.2000
Merchandise traffic
Atelier CRS
Label from : 04.01.2022
Commercial services
CFPC DeWidong a.s.b.l.
Label from : 22.11.2023
Commercial services
CGFP Assurances s.a.
Label from : 06.11.2014
Organisations and associations
Label from : 01.10.2015
Commercial services
CGI Luxembourg S.A.
Label from : 07.07.2021
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Chalet de Vacances Scheidgen
Label from : 01.07.2007
Organisations and associations
Chalet Nicolas Rollinger – Lëtz. Guiden a Scouten
Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten asbl
Label from : 01.06.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg (copropriété)
Label from : 08.12.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Chambre des Députés
Label from : 20.04.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Chambre des Métiers
Label from : 01.03.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Chambre des Salariés (Siège)
Label from : 09.03.2016
Commercial services
Champ Cargosystems sa
Lux Tech Center Building
Label from : 04.05.2021
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti sàrl - GRIDX
Label from : 01.06.2022
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti - The Wave
Label from : 23.02.2023
Building site
Chantier Construction
Adm. des bât publics/MEP Pétange
Label from : 28.03.2023
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti - Höhenhof Lot 1
Label from : 25.05.2023
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti - Höhenhof Lot 2A
Label from : 25.05.2023
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti-Ligne Lux.
Label from : 29.02.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti-OMEGA V
Label from : 26.09.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti-CFL Howald
Label from : 24.09.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction
Félix Giorgetti-Losch
Label from : 23.09.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction / CLE / Mertert
Phase 4
Label from : 06.06.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction /Felix Giorgetti
Echangeur Pontpierre Lot 1
Label from : 08.05.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction /Felix Giorgetti
Contournement Dippach Gare
Label from : 08.05.2024
Building site
Chantier Construction Ettelbruck ONE
SM SOMO Félix Giorgetti - CDCL
Label from : 13.03.2024
Building site
Chantier Réaménagement Centre militaire
Adm. Des Bâtiments publics
Label from : 05.07.2023
Building site
Chantier SM MCR
Maison de la Croix-Rouge
Label from : 06.06.2024
Chapier Office s.a.
Label from : 01.03.2004
Chapier s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.03.2004
Commercial services
Charles Russell Speechlys
Label from : 29.06.2021
Charly Krau wood & more sàrl
Label from : 13.02.2024
Charpente Belhomme sàrl
Label from : 25.04.2024
Roof and insulation
Charpente G. Therres S.à r.l.
Label from : 01.01.2011
Organisations and associations
Château d’Ansembourg Ass.Int. SUKYO MAHIKARI asbl
Label from : 01.10.2002
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Château de Colmar-Berg
Maison du Grand-Duc
Label from : 01.01.1995
Heating and sanitary
Chauffage Baumert s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.03.2006
Heating and sanitary
Chauffage Haas
Detem Luxembourg s.a.
Label from : 06.11.2019
Heating and sanitary
Chauffage Jos Grethen s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.09.2006