Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Commercial services
+Impakt sàrl
Label from : 01.11.2010
Commercial services
1nergie s.a.
Label from : 16.06.2015
7 Days Luxembourg Gmbh Succursale Luxembourg
Member of 7 Days Group
Label from : 01.10.2007
Hotels, restaurants and camping
A Guddesch – Hôtel, Restaurant, Events
Label from : 01.07.2011
Electrical trade
A. Muller & fils s.à r.l. – Bureau Cessange
Label from : 01.01.1997
Electrical trade
A. Muller & fils s.à r.l. – Bureau Livange
Label from : 01.01.1997
Electrical trade
A. Muller & fils s.à r.l. – Depot Livange
Label from : 01.01.1997
Commercial services
A.I.D.A -Agence Immo. de l’Attert sàrl
Label from : 11.12.2024
Heating and sanitary
a+p kieffer omnitec s.àr.l.
Label from : 01.12.1997
Abattoir Ettelbruck sa
Label from : 01.12.2007
Abattoir Ettelbruck sa
Boucherie Lorentzweiler
Label from : 15.12.2022
Abattoir Ettelbruck sa
Label from : 03.11.2023
Abattoir Ettelbruck sa
Label from : 15.12.2022
Church organisation
Abbaye Saint-Maurice & Saint-Maur
Label from : 01.06.2004
Commercial services
Accenture Luxembourg sàrl
Label from : 08.07.2019
Accumalux s.a.
Label from : 01.03.2008
Recreation and culture
ACL- Services s.a.
Automobile Club Luxembourg
Label from : 01.01.1994
Commercial services
Acron Lux Invest S.à.r.l.
Label from : 22.05.2023
Action Wear s.à.r.l.
Label from : 16.08.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Adm. de la Gestion de l’Eau – Service Régional Est
Atelier Capellen
Label from : 01.07.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Adm. de la Gestion de l’Eau – Service Régional Sud
Atelier Potaschbierg
Label from : 01.08.2006
Adm. Luxembourgeoise vétérinaire et alimentaire
Lab. véterinaire et alimentaire
Label from : 01.01.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Admin. la Gestion de l’Eau – Atelier Diekirch
Label from : 01.01.2006
Educational institution
Administration Centrale Kannerhaus
Kannerhaus Wooltz asbl
Label from : 21.11.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration Communale de Bourscheid
Ecole Centrale
Label from : 16.06.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration Communale de Bourscheid
Maison Relais / Crèche
Label from : 16.06.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration Communale de Bourscheid
Atelier communal
Label from : 16.06.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration Communale de Bourscheid
Maison Communale
Label from : 16.06.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines
Label from : 11.10.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de l’environnement
Label from : 01.10.2002
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau
Administration Diekirch
Label from : 03.05.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau
Label from : 01.10.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau
Pisciculture de l'Etat
Label from : 01.09.2008
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Triage Lorentzweiler
Label from : 25.11.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Centre natur et forestier Burfelt
Label from : 06.09.2019
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Triage forestier de Tandel
Label from : 01.06.2005
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Triage de Mersch Ouest
Label from : 01.02.2007
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Label from : 01.10.2002
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la Nature et des Forêts
Centre Nature et Forêts "Mirador"
Label from : 17.06.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration de la navigation aérienne
Label from : 01.07.2009
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des Bâtiments Publics
Ateliers et Garages
Label from : 01.07.2003
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des bâtiments publics – ECCL
Label from : 30.06.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des bâtiments publics – Hémicycle
Label from : 30.06.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des Contributions Directes
Label from : 01.04.2005
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des Douanes et Accises
Direction des Douances et Accises
Label from : 05.11.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration des Serv. Techn. de l’ Agriculture
Ministère de l'Agriculture
Label from : 01.05.2005
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration du Cadastre & Topographie
- Direction -
Label from : 01.01.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Administration du Centre de Rétention
Label from : 27.03.2014
Commercial services
Adomus Services Group sàrl
Label from : 13.06.2019
Banks and insurances
Advanzia Bank s.a.
Label from : 01.08.2013
Commercial services
Ady’s Hygiène sàrl
Label from : 09.01.2023
Electrical trade
AEM Luxembourg s.a.
Label from : 01.06.2003
Banks and insurances
Aerogolf Property Management
Label from : 30.10.2020
Electrical trade
AET Applications Electro
Label from : 05.07.2024
Commercial services
Afi.Esca Luxembourg s.a.
Label from : 04.02.2016
Banks and insurances
AG2R La Mondiale
La Mondiale Europapartner sa
Label from : 22.03.2024
Commercial services
Site Mertert
Label from : 24.04.2014
Commercial services
Agence Immobilière Paul Reinig
Label from : 01.07.2009
Commercial services
Agence Immobilière Paul Reinig
Label from : 24.11.2017
Commercial services
Agence Immobilière Paul Reinig – Diekirch
Label from : 01.07.2009
Commercial services
Agence Immobilière Toussaint Abby s.à r.l.- Mersch
Label from : 01.04.2004
Commercial services
Agence Immobilière Toussaint Abby sàrl -Ettelbruck
Label from : 21.06.2018
Banks and insurances
Agence Principale Kuhn & Schmit
LALUX Assurances
Label from : 10.01.2024
Commercial services
Agence Voyages Vandivinit sàrl
Label from : 28.07.2020
Trade and car repairs
Agri-Center s.a.
Label from : 01.04.2008
Landmaschinen - Gartenmaschinen
Label from : 01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs
Agricom S.A.
Label from : 01.01.1994
Merchandise traffic
Agriconsult s.à r.l.
Groupe Cepal
Label from : 20.11.2015
Electrical trade
AIO – All In One Technologies s.a.
Label from : 08.12.2015
Service stations
Aire de Capellen Nord
Station Aral
Label from : 17.02.2025
Airtech Europe sàrl
Label from : 01.08.1999
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Inst. état. d'aide l'enf. et jeun.
Label from : 09.02.2022
Health and care institutions
Aktiva-Fit s.a.
Label from : 01.12.2012
Organisations and associations
Akut asbl
Label from : 05.08.2019
Commercial services
Albert Streff sàrl et Cie secs
Label from : 01.12.2004
Commercial services
Albra S.A.
Label from : 25.10.2023
Alcuilux Desox s.a.
Label from : 01.06.2004
Recreation and culture
All In Family Fun Center
Bowling Center Fuussekaul s.à r.l.
Label from : 14.11.2023
Commercial services
Allen Overy Shearman Sterling SCS
Label from : 01.12.2021
Commercial services
Alleva Enzio Architectes & Associés sàrl
Label from : 05.12.2016
Commercial services
Allfunds Bank S.A.U. Luxembourg Branch
Label from : 07.11.2024
Roof and insulation
Alliance des Artisans G.I.E. Dépôt
Label from : 01.10.2004
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Alliance Saveurs et Santé CHEM Esch/Alzette
Label from : 09.06.2023
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Alliance Saveurs et Santé CHEM Niederkorn
Label from : 07.12.2022
Allpack Services
Label from : 11.09.2013
Commercial services
Allround Consulting sàrl
Label from : 03.01.2018