Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

International organisations
Commission Européenne – JMO T2
Label from : 18.04.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commission nationale pour la protection
des données
Label from : 08.10.2013
Educational institution
Commue de Bettembourg
SAE Sonnepavillon
Label from : 09.01.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune d’Esch-sur-Sûre
Crèche Krabbelstuff
Label from : 03.03.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune d’Esch-sur-Sûre
Maison Relais Kannerstuff
Label from : 03.03.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune d’Useldange
Atelier Communal
Label from : 21.03.2018
Educational institution
Commune d’Useldange
Schoul a Sportkomplex Weidfeld
Label from : 21.03.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune d’Useldange
Maison Communale
Label from : 21.03.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Berdorf
Label from : 21.08.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Berdorf
Atelier communal
Label from : 21.08.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange
Atelier Communal
Label from : 06.02.2019
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange
Ecole beim Schlass
Label from : 02.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange
Ecole Butzenhaus
Label from : 02.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange
Ecole Beienstack
Label from : 02.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange
Ecole Prince Sébastien
Label from : 02.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange – SEA am Beienstack
Maison Relais am Beienstack
Label from : 02.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bertrange- SEA bei der Péitruss
Maison Relais bei dei Péitruss
Label from : 02.03.2022
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
Reebouschoul Ecole primaire
Label from : 20.01.2015
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
Schoul am Duerf
Label from : 20.01.2015
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
Sonneschoul Ecole Prim. Noertzange
Label from : 15.06.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bettembourg
Maison Communale
Label from : 09.01.2024
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
Pavillon Reebouschoul
Label from : 09.01.2024
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
SEA Reebou
Label from : 06.01.2022
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
Spillschoul am Park
Label from : 09.01.2024
Educational institution
Commune de Bettembourg
SEA AL Gemeng
Label from : 09.01.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bettembourg
Service des Régies
Label from : 01.01.1995
Recreation and culture
Commune de Bettembourg
Kulturhaus Huncherange
Label from : 09.01.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bettendorf
Atelier Communal
Label from : 01.03.2005
Educational institution
Commune de Bettendorf
Maison Relais
Label from : 18.05.2018
Educational institution
Commune de Bettendorf
Complexe Scolaire
Label from : 18.05.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bettendorf
Label from : 18.05.2018
Educational institution
Commune de Bettendorf
Complexe scolaire Gilsdorf
Label from : 31.05.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Betzdorf
Service Technique
Label from : 01.07.2003
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
- Service Technique -
Label from : 01.02.2012
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
Maison Relais Un der Atert
Label from : 15.07.2016
Educational institution
Commune de Bissen
Crèche Margréitchen Bissen
Label from : 13.12.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
Label from : 09.09.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
Label from : 09.09.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
Service d'Incendie
Label from : 09.09.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bissen
Label from : 09.09.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Boulaide
Maison communale
Label from : 13.07.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Boulaide
- Service technique -
Label from : 01.07.2005
Educational institution
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Ecole de Trintange
Label from : 18.12.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Centre Culturel Erpeldange
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Sport-a Kulturzenter Bous
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Ecole Bous & Maison Relais
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Administration Communale Bous
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Atelier Service Technique Bous
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Admin. Communale Waldbredimus
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Bous-Waldbredimus
Atelier Serv. Tech. Waldbredimus
Label from : 06.06.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Centre culturel
Label from : 18.05.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Ecole Fondamentale
Label from : 18.05.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Maison Relais Piccolini
Label from : 18.05.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Piscine Nordpool
Label from : 18.05.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Buvette A.S. Colmar-Berg
Label from : 18.05.2020
Organisations and associations
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Chalet Scouts Hirsch
Label from : 18.05.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Colmar-Berg
Label from : 18.05.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Colmar-Berg – Service Technique
Label from : 23.03.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Consdorf
Service Technique
Label from : 01.04.2002
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Contern
Atelier communal Contern
Label from : 22.11.2021
Educational institution
Commune de Contern
Ecole Centrale Um Ewent
Label from : 06.04.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Dippach
Service Technique
Label from : 23.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Dippach
Label from : 23.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Feulen
Bâtiment Administration
Label from : 20.04.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Feulen-Atelier Service Technique
Label from : 20.04.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Fischbach
Service Technique
Label from : 24.05.2022
Educational institution
Commune de Fischbach
Angsberschoul (Ecole Angelsberg)
Label from : 24.05.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Fischbach
Maison Communale
Label from : 24.05.2022
Recreation and culture
Commune de Fischbach
Label from : 24.05.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Dépot Communal de Flaxweiler
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Centre Culturel de Beyren
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Ancienne Ecole"Club des Jeunes"
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Centre Culturel de Gostingen
Label from : 26.03.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Centre Culturel de Flaxweiler
Label from : 08.03.2019
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Ancienne Ecole "Clubs"
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Centre Culturel de Niederdonven
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Serv. Inc. et Sauv. - Sprëtzenhaus
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Flaxweiler
Centre Culturel de Oberdonven
Label from : 26.02.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Frisange
Atelier communal
Label from : 01.10.2003
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Frisange
Label from : 21.10.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Frisange
Ecole Centrale Frisange
Label from : 21.10.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Goesdorf
Atelier communal
Label from : 02.12.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Goesdorf
Administration et Maison communale
Label from : 02.12.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Goesdorf
Crèche Zwergen op der Heckt
Label from : 02.12.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Goesdorf
Ecole précoce/préscolaire
Label from : 02.12.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Goesdorf
Campus Scolaire "Op der Heckt"
Label from : 05.12.2024
Educational institution
Commune de Habscht
Crèche Arcus
Label from : 05.03.2015
Educational institution
Commune de Habscht
Ecole Communale et Maison Relais
Label from : 01.06.2012
Educational institution
Commune de Habscht
Ecole Préscolaire et Précoce
Label from : 01.06.2005
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Hesperange
Service des Régies
Label from : 01.09.1997
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Holzwiermercher Ecole / M.R. Itzig
Label from : 21.10.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Hesperange
Station d'Epuration
Label from : 21.02.2019
Recreation and culture
Commune de Hesperange
Stade Alphonse Theis Holleschberg
Label from : 02.05.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Commune de Hesperange
Mairie - Administration Communale
Label from : 21.02.2019
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Ecole Howald (Plateau)
Label from : 29.06.2020
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Ecole Fentange
Label from : 28.10.2021
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Foyer de Jour Jangeli
Label from : 01.06.2009
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Mini Reewiermercher & Ecole Alzeng
Label from : 04.02.2019
Educational institution
Commune de Hesperange
Campus Hesperange
Label from : 01.02.2022