Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a. – Cour des Comptes Européenne
Label from : 01.07.2014
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ BGL BNP Paribas
Label from : 15.03.2023
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne
Label from : 26.03.2024
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ ISL Lower School
Label from : 20.02.2018
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ ISL Upper School
Label from : 20.02.2018
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ NSPA Capellen
Label from : 01.07.2008
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ Restaurant d’entreprise LaLux
Label from : 22.05.2015
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./ Vauban Ecole et Lycée Français
Label from : 01.04.2008
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Eurest s.a./Maison Relais Rumelange
Label from : 04.05.2016
Commercial services
Euro – Recup s.à.r.l.
Label from : 27.06.2014
Banks and insurances
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg s.a.
Label from : 31.03.2022
IT activities
Eurobase GmbH
Label from : 01.11.2007
Organisations and associations
Instit. of Air Navigation services
Label from : 01.06.2007
Organisations and associations
Europa Donna Luxembourg
Label from : 15.07.2020
Commercial services
European Fire Protection
Label from : 28.09.2023
International organisations
European Stability Mechanism
Label from : 17.10.2013
Everkie Arts & Bijouterie Kieffer Bock
Label from : 16.06.2023
Service stations
Ewald Wolter sàrl
Label from : 09.12.2022
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Exki Auchan
Happy Natural Foods sa
Label from : 12.12.2018
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Exki Gare
Happy Natural Foods sa
Label from : 01.12.2009
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Exki Kirchberg
Happy Natural Foods sa
Label from : 01.12.2009
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Exki Ville
Happy Natural Foods sa
Label from : 01.12.2009
Exploitation Agricole Barthelmy-Koppes
Label from : 11.04.2023
Exploitation Agricole Bourg
Label from : 24.04.2023
Exploitation Agricole Clasen Christophe
Label from : 02.02.2024
Exploitation Agricole Eschette
Label from : 31.01.2022
Exploitation Agricole Faber Fränk & Fils
Label from : 18.03.2021
Exploitation Agricole Ferme Mathay
Label from : 04.09.2018
Exploitation Agricole Flammang Jean-Paul
Antimonium Holsteins
Label from : 09.08.2021
Exploitation Agricole Hahn Christian
Label from : 28.07.2023
Exploitation Agricole Heuertz Claude
Label from : 01.12.2022
Exploitation Agricole Houtmann Joseph-Jean
Label from : 14.05.2014
Exploitation Agricole Klein
Label from : 11.11.2021
Exploitation Agricole Kraus-Hoffelt Liliane
Label from : 11.04.2023
Exploitation agricole Mangen
Label from : 15.07.2021
Exploitation Agricole Weiler
Label from : 12.04.2018
IT activities
Eye-T s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.05.2008
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Eyesen s.a.
Label from : 21.07.2017
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Label from : 10.05.2019
Fachmaart Robert Steinhäuser sa
Label from : 01.06.2004
Commercial services
FAGE International s.a.
Label from : 01.02.2022
Organisations and associations
Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg asbl
Label from : 01.12.2007
FANUC Europe Corporation s.a.
Label from : 01.12.2007
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Concept Bowls s.à.r.l.
Label from : 25.10.2024
Recreation and culture
FC Racing Heischent-Eschduerf asbl
Label from : 12.05.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Fédération des Artisans
Label from : 01.03.2006
Organisations and associations
Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois
Label from : 01.04.2013
Recreation and culture
Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Marche Populaire
Label from : 28.03.2017
Organisations and associations
Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses
du Luxembourg - FNEL
Label from : 01.06.2007
Merchandise traffic
Fedex Express Luxembourg Sàrl
Label from : 01.06.2011
Educational institution
Feelener Zwergewiss sàrl
Label from : 07.06.2022
Building sector
Félix Giorgetti sàrl
Label from : 06.09.2022
Building sector
Fell Systemhaus Lux sàrl
Label from : 17.04.2018
Fenêtres Wako
Label from : 17.06.2015
Fenster Mersch sa
Label from : 01.11.1996
Fenster Mersch sa
Showroom / Verwaltung
Label from : 09.11.2017
Ferrero International sa
Casa Ferrero
Label from : 02.03.2021
Ferronnerie d’Art Besenius s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.05.2009
Ferronnerie d’Art Nico Betzen s.a.
Label from : 20.06.2014
Heating and sanitary
Ferskur SARL
Label from : 19.03.2024
Commercial services
Fiduciaire Interrégionale s.a.
Label from : 01.01.2007
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Fiduciaire Nordstrooss N7 S.A.
Label from : 25.10.2023
Educational institution
Fielser Bëschcrèche
Label from : 04.06.2019
Banks and insurances
FIL (Luxembourg) s.a.
Label from : 15.06.2015
Recreation and culture
Film Fund Luxembourg
Label from : 20.05.2021
Commercial services
Fischbach Realtors & Developers sa
Label from : 06.05.2022
Recreation and culture
Fitness-Lounge ‘Health & Wellness’
Label from : 01.09.2007
Organisations and associations
Flass – Algsc
Label from : 16.07.2019
Building sector
Fliesenfachgeschäft Wagner s.à r.l.
Label from : 29.03.2024
Commercial services
Floor Sàrl
Agence immobilière
Label from : 04.10.2024
Organisations and associations
FNEL – Misaershaff
Centre de form. pour Jeunes
Label from : 01.05.2008
Companies, institutions and public administrations
FNR – Luxembourg National Research Fund
Label from : 02.12.2024
Organisations and associations
Fondation Caritas Luxembourg
Label from : 01.01.2007
Commercial services
Fondation de Luxembourg
Label from : 17.10.2014
Health and care institutions
Fondation Félix Chomé
Label from : 11.05.2017
Qualification and employment companies
Fondation Kraizbierg
Label from : 01.05.1998
Health and care institutions
Fondation Kraizbierg – CIPHA Frisange
Domaine Schoumansbongert
Label from : 01.04.2006
Health and care institutions
Fondation Kraizbierg – Foyer Brill
Label from : 01.02.2009
Health and care institutions
Fondation Kraizbierg – Foyer La Cerisaie
Label from : 01.12.2006
Health and care institutions
Fondation Kraizbierg – Foyer Lankhelzer Weiher
Label from : 01.09.2008
Health and care institutions
Fondation Kraizbierg – Foyer Pietert
Label from : 01.10.2006
Health and care institutions
Fondation Pescatore
Label from : 01.01.2008
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Fondation Pro Familia
Label from : 01.01.2012
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Fondation Restena
Label from : 02.12.2024
Health and care institutions
Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner
Label from : 01.07.2008
Educational institution
Fondatioun Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf
Label from : 08.03.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Fonds Kirchberg – Brigade
Label from : 19.09.2024
Building sector
Foralux s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.09.2011
Commercial services
Format sàrl
Label from : 01.12.2005