Companies with the SDK label

Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Logo, SDK small
Companies, institutions and public administrations

Fondation Restena

2, Avenue de l'Université, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from :  02.12.2024
Health and care institutions

Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner

168, rue des Romains, L-8041 Strassen
Label from :  01.07.2008
Educational institution

Fondatioun Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf

rue Hermann Gmeiner, L-7534 Mersch
Label from :  08.03.2024
Companies, institutions and public administrations

Fonds Kirchberg – Brigade

120, rue du Grünewald, L-1912 Luxembourg
Label from :  19.09.2024
Hotels, restaurants and camping

Food for Kids

3, zone Artisanale et Commerciale, L-9085 Ettelbruck
Label from :  17.01.2024
Building sector

Foralux s.à r.l.

16, Z.I. Kehlen, L-8287 Kehlen
Label from :  01.09.2011
Commercial services

Format sàrl

49, Gabriel Lippmann, L-6947 Niederanven
Label from :  01.12.2005
Building sector

Fortunato sàrl

157, ceinture um Schlass, L-5880 Hesperange
Label from :  13.11.2018
Qualification and employment companies

Forum pour l’emploi asbl

36, Z.A.E.R. Op der Héi , L-9809 Hosingen
Label from :  01.08.2004
Health and care institutions

Foyer “Op Massen”

Hëllef Doheem
12, rue Massen, L-9907 Troisvierges
Label from :  01.05.2009
Banks and insurances

Foyer Assurances

12, rue Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange
Label from :  01.05.2003
Health and care institutions

Foyer de Jour ” Dominique Marth “

Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
45, rue Nicolas Hein, L-1721 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2008
Health and care institutions

Foyer de Jour ” Espérance “

association Luxembourg Alzheimer
51, rue Zénon Bernard, L-4031 Esch/Alzette
Label from :  24.01.2017
Health and care institutions

Foyer de Jour ” Genzegold “

Assocation Luxembourg Alzheimer
1, Daehlerbach, L-9644 Dahl
Label from :  01.04.2008
Health and care institutions

Foyer de Jour ” Minettsheem “

Assocation Luxembourg Alzheimer
6, rue de la Fontaine, L-3726 Rumelange
Label from :  24.06.2016
Educational institution

Foyer de Jour “Am Zechenhaischen”

6, rue du Couvent, L-3717 Rumelange
Label from :  25.02.2015
Educational institution

Foyer de Jour Les P’tits Bouchons Esch

31, rue Louis Pasteur, L-4276 Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from :  30.04.2024
Health and care institutions

Foyer de Jour Villa Reebou (Dudelange)

Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
104, rue de l'Hôpital, L-3488 Dudelange
Label from :  29.01.2015
Educational institution

Foyer de jour Zwergenhaus – Croix Rouge Luxbg

12, rue Jean-Pierre Glaesener, L-7358 Lorentzweiler
Label from :  01.06.2008
Educational institution

Foyer Diddelfamill

Inter - Actions a.s.b.l.
145, rue des Minières, L-3526 Dudelange
Label from :  01.03.2010
Church organisation

Foyer du Jour Am Rousegaertgen

Caritas jeunes & familles asbl
29, rue Michel Welter, L-2730 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.08.2008
Educational institution

Foyer Laladudo

Inter - Actions a.s.b.l.
212, rue de Neudorf, L-2222 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.09.2009
Health and care institutions

Foyer Op der Heed – Hupperdange

"Hëllef Doheem"
2, Kaesfurterstrooss, L-9755 Hupperdange
Label from :  01.05.2006
Companies, institutions and public administrations

Foyer Sichem

4, rue Charles Rausch, L-7247 Helmsange
Label from :  09.11.2017
Health and care institutions

Foyer Ste Elisabeth – Claire Asbl

4, rue de la Tannerie, L-3288 Bettembourg
Label from :  01.06.2001
Health and care institutions

Foyer Ste Elisabeth ‘Am Park’

Elisabeth - Claire Asbl
19, avenue Emile Reuter, L-2420 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.09.2009
Health and care institutions

Foyer Um aale Gaart – Holzthum

"Hëllef Doheem"
54, Haaptstrooss, L-9834 Holzthum
Label from :  01.05.2006
Commercial services

Francis – Machines à coudre

38-40, rue Ste Zithe, L-2763 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2007

Franck sa

5, z.à.c. Klengbousbierg, L-7795 Bissen
Label from :  04.02.2016
Commercial services

Franklin Templeton International Services s.a.

8A, rue Albert Borschette, L-1246 Luxembourg
Label from :  04.08.2022
Commercial services

Freihöfer architecture sàrl

59, route du Vin, L-6841 Machtum
Label from :  12.07.2022
Commercial services

Fresh & Flavour Catering s.àr.l.-Bâtiment Da Vinci

7, rue Lou Hemmer, L-1748 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.09.2010

Friederich Hydrotech sàrl

16, route d'Esch, L-3835 Schifflange
Label from :  01.04.2002
Hotels, restaurants and camping

Friterie op der Lann

1, avenue Nic Kreins, L-9536 Wiltz
Label from :  01.01.2006

Fromagerie de Luxembourg sàrl

93, rue de Bettembourg, L-5811 Fentange
Label from :  01.08.2013

Fromagerie Schmalen sàrl.

2, Consdorfer Strooss, L-6551 Berdorf
Label from :  26.11.2019
Commercial services

FSA Faiencerie Services Administratifs Sàrl

121, avenue de la Faiencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg
Label from :  04.02.2016
Educational institution

Fussballterrain Berbourg

1, Schoulstrooss, L-6831 Berbourg
Label from :  28.06.2019
Commercial services

G-Build c/o TDO Consulting sa

3, rue Jean Piret, L-2350 Luxembourg
Label from :  27.07.2022
Commercial services

G4S Security Solutions

14, rue du Père Raphaël, L-2413 Luxembourg
Label from :  05.10.2023
Heating and sanitary

Gabbana s.à r.l.

Z.A.C. 12 rue Nicolas Glesener, L-6131 Junglinster
Label from :  01.12.2023

Gaertnerei Sunflower sàrl

2, Haaptstrooss, L-9350 Bastendorf
Label from :  24.01.2017

Galerie Commerciale de la Cloche d’Or sa

2, rue Frédéric-Guilla. Raiffeisen, L-2411 Luxembourg
Label from :  31.07.2020

Galerie Commerciale du Kirchberg s.a. Auchan

5, rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg
Label from :  13.11.2014

Galerie Moderne s.à r.l.

4-10, rue Schaffmill, L-6778 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.12.1998
Trade and car repairs

Garage & Station Faber Carlo

6, route de Diekirch, L-9834 Holzthum
Label from :  01.03.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Amaral Sàrl

20, rue d'Arlon, L-9155 Grosbous
Label from :  01.01.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage André Losch s.à r.l.

Porsche Zenter Letzëbuerg
5, rue Peternelchen, L-2370 Howald
Label from :  01.04.2005
Trade and car repairs

Garage André Losch s.àr.l. – Porsche Zenter Roost

4, rue André Losch, L-7759 Roost
Label from :  08.08.2022
Trade and car repairs

Garage Auto Tec sàrl

1, route de Remich, L-5690 Ellange
Label from :  11.11.2020
Trade and car repairs

Garage Binsfeld s.à r.l. – Schifflange

15, rue de Noertzange, L-3860 Schifflange
Label from :  01.01.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage Biver Martin s.à r.l.

32, route d'Erpeldange, L-9518 Weidingen/Wiltz
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Braun s.à r.l.

2, rue Victor Braun, L-6744 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.07.2006
Trade and car repairs

Garage Castermans sàrl – Redange/Attert

45, rue Fraesbich, L-8509 Redange/Attert
Label from :  01.05.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Castermans sàrl – Rollingen/Mersch

route de Luxembourg, L-7540 Rollingen/Mersch
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Claren & Cie s.àr.l.

Seat, Skoda & Cupra
2, rue André Losch, L-7759 Roost
Label from :  01.06.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Cruciani sàrl

73, route de Luxembourg, L-3515 Dudelange
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage de Kehlen s.à r.l.

Réparations de toutes marques
1, rue de Gaessel, L-8282 Kehlen
Label from :  01.05.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage Deltgen s.à.r.l.

TOYOTA - Dealer
14, rue Jean Pierre Thill, L-9085 Ettelbruck
Label from :  01.05.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage du Centre

1, rue d'Ettelbruck, L-7590 Beringen/ Mersch
Label from :  01.09.2006
Trade and car repairs

Garage Feller s.à.r.l.

60, Bd Prince Henri, L-4280 Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from :  01.03.2001
Trade and car repairs

Garage Feyereisen sàrl

Toyota Indépendent
43, route d'Arlon, L-8706 Useldange
Label from :  01.10.2002
Trade and car repairs

Garage Grasges s.a.

36, route d'Ettelbruck, L-9230 Diekirch
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Grün & Fils sàrl

8, rue Albert Simon, L-5315 Contern
Label from :  01.07.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage J. Leyder

4, route d'Ell, L-8509 Redange/ Attert
Label from :  01.03.2009
Trade and car repairs

Garage Kieffer sàrl

110-112, rue de Hobscheid, L-8422 Steinfort
Label from :  01.07.2008
Trade and car repairs

Garage Kruft

96, route de Luxembourg, L-6450 Echternach
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Losch & Cie – Junglinster

2-4, rue Nicolas Glesener, L-6131 Junglinster
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Losch Bech-Klengmaacher

anc. Horsmans & Rosati s.à r.l.
5, Quai de la Moselle, L-5405 Bech-Kleinmacher
Label from :  01.03.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Losch Truck, Van & Bus Sàrl

59, rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-6947 Niederanven
Label from :  01.03.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage M. Losch – Bereldange

Autocommerce Losch s.àr.l.
6, Cité Grand-Duc Jean, L-7233 Bereldange
Label from :  01.10.2000
Trade and car repairs

Garage M. Losch s.àr.l. – Luxembourg Bonnevoie

78-90, route de Thionville, L-2610 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage Martin Losch s.àr.l. – Esch/Alzette

1-2, op der Schmelz, L-4328 Esch/Alzette
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Michels sàrl

Vente et réparation toutes marques
18, route de Bastogne, L-9706 Clervaux
Label from :  21.04.2021
Trade and car repairs

Garage Muller Lintgen s.a.

35, route Principale, L-7450 Lintgen
Label from :  01.02.2005
Trade and car repairs

Garage Muzzolini

6, rue Romain Fandel, L-4149 Esch/Alzette
Label from :  01.09.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage Neu s.à r.l.

5, Am Eck, L-8715 Everlange
Label from :  04.05.2018
Trade and car repairs

Garage Neugebauer S.à r.l.

106, rue de Hobscheid, L-8422 Steinfort
Label from :  01.11.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Norbert Weimerskirch

succ. Guy Weimerskirch
200, bd du Général George S.Patton, L-2316 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.01.1997
Trade and car repairs

Garage Nordstad Carrosserie sàrl

30, route d'Ettelbruck, L-9230 Diekirch
Label from :  01.04.2008
Trade and car repairs

Garage Pauly-Losch sàrl

VW-Audi Agence
12, route d'Arlon, L-8008 Strassen
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Pepin s.àr.l.

12, route d'Ettelbruck, L-9160 Ingeldorf
Label from :  01.07.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Reinert s.à r.l.

3, Zoning Commercial, L-4702 Pétange
Label from :  01.03.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Reiserbann DDM sàrl

2, rue Geespelt, L-3378 Livange
Label from :  01.11.2003
Trade and car repairs

Garage Reiter sàrl.

6, op der Hei, L-9809 Hosingen
Label from :  01.12.1993
Trade and car repairs

Garage Roby Cruciani sàrl

212, route de Luxembourg, L-3515 Dudelange
Label from :  01.09.2011
Trade and car repairs

Garage Schmit & fils s.à.r.l.

95, route de Trèves, L-6793 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.05.2002
Trade and car repairs

Garage Schneiders s.à r.l. & cie secs

17, rue de Luxembourg, L-6450 Echternach
Label from :  01.05.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Schweitzer sàrl

6a, rue de Luxembourg, L-6910 Roodt/Syre
Label from :  01.07.2002
Passenger transport

Garage Simon sa

57, Zone Industrielle, L-9099 Ingeldorf
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Stamerra

6, route de Luxembourg, L-5670 Altwies
Label from :  05.08.2019
Trade and car repairs

Garage Tega Franco

257a, rue de Rollingergrund, L-2441 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.07.2008
Trade and car repairs

Garage Tewes Serge sàrl

23, rue Leon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange
Label from :  01.01.1995
Trade and car repairs

Garage Thommes Mersch

13, allée J.W. Leonard, L-7526 Mersch
Label from :  22.10.2014
Trade and car repairs

Garage Thommes sàrl – Heffingen

91, op der Strooss, L-7650 Heffingen
Label from :  01.01.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Weber

Garage Petry s.à r.l.
124, Waïstroos, L-5440 Remerschen
Label from :  01.05.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Weimerskirch & fils sàrl

42, rue Hiehl - Z.A.C. Laangwiss, L-6131 Junglinster
Label from :  01.12.1999
Trade and car repairs

Garage Weis-Schon sàrl

7, rue Henri Tudor, L-5366 Munsbach
Label from :  01.05.1994
Trade and car repairs

Garage Wengler Paul sàrl

35, avenue des Alliés, L-9012 Ettelbruck
Label from :  01.01.1994
Educational institution

Garderie Butzenhaff Kruuchten

Elisabeth asbl
5, rue des Chapelles, L-7421 Cruchten
Label from :  25.01.2017