Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Building sector
Alpha Topo Luxembourg sàrl
Label from : 14.07.2023
Building sector
AlphaBau sàrl
Label from : 08.12.2020
Commercial services
alt Advanced Logic Technology s.a.
Label from : 24.09.2024
Commercial services
Aluk sa Luxembourg
Label from : 21.01.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
ALVA-Adm. luxem. vétérinaire et alimentaire
Label from : 01.01.2006
Ameco sàrl – A. Pauly & Fils
Label from : 01.01.2012
Ameublements Thill
Natur & Design s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.10.2005
Commercial services
Amicorp Luxembourg Sa
Label from : 15.05.2014
Ampacet Europe s.a. – Eurohub
Label from : 03.10.2017
Ampacet Luxembourg S. à r. l.
Label from : 17.09.2014
Commercial services
Anama Management Lux s.à r.l.
Label from : 11.11.2022
Roof and insulation
Anc. Ets. Aloyse Heidesch sàrl
Label from : 07.02.2025
ANG Automotive sàrl
Label from : 01.01.2008
Angle Vert
Label from : 01.05.2011
Organisations and associations
Anonym Glécksspiller asbl
Label from : 29.08.2016
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Ansamble Kids
Maison relais Rambrouch
Label from : 01.11.2009
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Ansamble Kids Luxembourg
Maison Relais Useldange
Label from : 28.03.2024
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Ansamble Kids Luxembourg (Cuisine Lenningen)
Maison R. Lenningen Mueresgässel
Label from : 19.05.2020
Building site
AP Construction
Art & Pavés sàrl
Label from : 05.11.2024
Sewage treatment
Label from : 13.07.2020
Qualification and employment companies
Zentrum fir selbst bestemmt Liewen
Label from : 27.03.2024
Qualification and employment companies
APEMH – Administration
Label from : 13.05.2019
Commercial services
Apleona Luxembourg sàrl
Label from : 19.10.2017
Commercial services
Apleona R & M Ausbau Luxembourg sàrl
Label from : 07.12.2015
Merchandise traffic
Aprorest s.à.r.l.
Label from : 09.08.2024
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Label from : 12.04.2017
Commercial services
APZ – Diekirch
Auto - Pflegezentrum
Label from : 01.05.2011
Commercial services
APZ Luxemburg s.à.r.l.
Auto - Pflegezentrum
Label from : 01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Aqua Nat’Our
Piscine Parc Hosingen Sàrl
Label from : 19.06.2018
Organisations and associations
Aqua Park Beaufort
Syn. d'Initiative et de Tourisme
Label from : 06.02.2024
Recreation and culture
Aquasud Differdange
Label from : 18.02.2022
Service stations
Aral Luxembourg s.a.
Label from : 01.03.2012
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Aramark S.à r.l. / Chez l’Ancien 6032
Label from : 20.09.2023
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Aramark S.à r.l. / JP Morgan Chase
Label from : 01.10.2008
Commercial services
Aramark s.à r.l. /Siège Neudorf
Label from : 20.09.2023
ArcelorMittal Bissen
Label from : 01.04.2002
Commercial services
Arche Associés
Label from : 23.07.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Archives nationales de Luxembourg
Label from : 05.09.2019
Commercial services
Arcus European Trains Luxembourg Gp s.àr.l.
Label from : 22.12.2017
Commercial services
Arendt & Medernach
Label from : 18.12.2019
Commercial services
Arendt & Medernach
Bâtiment Arendt 9
Label from : 20.05.2021
Commercial services
Arendt House
Label from : 24.12.2021
Commercial services
Arendt Investor Services
Label from : 25.05.2021
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Äresto s.à r.l. – DZ PRIVATBANK S.A.
Label from : 01.05.2005
Commercial services
Argest sa
Label from : 01.07.2007
Military institution
Armée – Dépôt de Waldhof
Service de déminage
Label from : 01.12.2004
Armurerie Paul Frauenberg s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.04.2009
Building sector
Label from : 23.12.2022
Merchandise traffic
Arthur Welter Transports Sàrl
Label from : 01.02.1999
Building sector
ASA Bâtiments s.à r.l.
Label from : 12.04.2018
Heating and sanitary
Askal s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.03.2008
Asport City Concorde
Label from : 01.11.2012
ASPORT Cycling sàrl
Label from : 01.11.2009
ASPORT Ingeldorf s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.11.2007
ASPORT Wickrange s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.02.2008
Building cleaning
ASQ s.à.r.l.
Label from : 14.03.2023
Commercial services
Ass. des Compagnies d’Assurances et de
Réassurances du G.D. de Luxembourg
Label from : 17.10.2014
Commercial services
Ass. Lux. des Fonds d’Investissement
ALFI asbl
Label from : 17.10.2014
Commercial services SA Leudelange
SOS-Dépannage / Autorent
Label from : 01.03.2001
Commercial services
Association des Banques et Banquiers asbl (ABBL)
Label from : 17.10.2014
Health and care institutions
Association Médecins-Véterinaires Mersch Sàrl
Label from : 01.10.2007
Commercial services
Association N. Arend & C. Fischbach sa
Label from : 13.06.2019
Organisations and associations
Label from : 01.09.2009
Building cleaning
Atalian Global Services Luxembourg
Label from : 26.09.2014
Commercial services
ATEEL sàrl
Label from : 02.05.2022
Atelier de menuiserie design Constantin Jacques
Label from : 01.10.1998
Commercial services
Atelier de reliure sàrl Danielle Köller Willems
Label from : 01.02.2005
Qualification and employment companies
Atelier Hondsburren ATP asbl
Label from : 11.01.2023
Atelier Ligna s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.07.1999
Trade and car repairs
Atelier n°1 S.A.
Label from : 01.06.2005
Qualification and employment companies
Atelier Protégé “Op der Schock”
Label from : 01.09.2003
Atelier Winandy s.à.r.l.
Label from : 15.07.2014
Educational institution
Atelier Zeralda
Caritas Jeune et Famille
Label from : 28.06.2017
Ateliers Acloque s.à r.l.
Label from : 28.04.2017
Qualification and employment companies
Ateliers d’APEMH – Parc Hosingen
Ass.parents d'enfants ment.handic.
Label from : 01.03.2008
Ateliers Koch s.a.
Site Hollerich
Label from : 01.07.2006
Ateliers Origer s.à r.l.
Label from : 01.04.1999
IT activities
atHome Group sàrl
Label from : 06.11.2015
Commercial services
Atrium Business Park-Emporium
Label from : 29.10.2019
Commercial services
Atrium Business Park-Excio
Label from : 01.11.2012
Commercial services
Atrium Business Park-Extimus
con. Bâtiment Extimus
Label from : 01.11.2012
Commercial services
Atrium Business Park-Vitrum
Label from : 29.10.2019
Banks and insurances
Attrax Financial Services s.a.
Label from : 11.07.2014
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Beaufort
Label from : 01.03.2006
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Echternach
Label from : 13.03.2014
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from : 13.12.2017
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Larochette
Label from : 01.05.2005
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Lultzhausen
Label from : 01.06.2004
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Luxembourg
OLIS - 0002
Label from : 01.12.2004
Hotels, restaurants and camping
Auberge de Jeunesse Remerschen
Label from : 01.01.2008