Companies with the SDK label
Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Passenger transport
VDL – Véhicule et Maintenance – Autobus AVL
BOUI - 0063
Label from : 01.01.1994
Recreation and culture
VDL – Villa Vauban
REUT - 0018
Label from : 14.08.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL – Voirie & éclairage public
CLAM - 0039
Label from : 17.03.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Bain municipal bd Royal
BAIN - 0012
Label from : 01.03.2011
Recreation and culture
VDL- Cinémathèque Salle de Projection
THEA - 0017
Label from : 01.05.2011
Educational institution
VDL- Ecole Fondamentale Bonnevoie-Gellé -Cycle 4
Label from : 01.05.2012
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Hall Omnisport Hamm
HAMR - 0157
Label from : 01.07.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Patinoire Kockelscheuer
BETT - 0042
Label from : 01.02.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Piscine (Bassin d’Apprentissage) Limpertsberg
CLMT - 0001
Label from : 01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Salle de Gymnastique y compris centre sociét.
STRR - 0029
Label from : 01.04.2011
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL- Service forêts
SARP - 0103
Label from : 01.07.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
VDL-Service Pedago-Psycho-Socio-Medical
DIDE - 0110
Label from : 01.04.2012
Educational institution
Veiner Jugendhous – Maison des Jeunes
Label from : 27.07.2016
Commercial services
Veolia Luxembourg s.a.
Casa-Ferrero International
Label from : 21.12.2023
Commercial services
Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / BEI
Label from : 03.07.2020
Commercial services
Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / Cour de Justice de l’UE
Label from : 26.06.2019
Commercial services
Veolia Luxembourg s.a. / Parlement Européen
Label from : 03.07.2020
Commercial services
Veolia Luxembourg sa / Livange
Label from : 07.08.2019
Versis sa – Filiale Colmar-Berg
Farm Support
Label from : 01.01.2010
Versis sa – Filiale Heiderscheid
Farm Support
Label from : 01.10.2004
Versis sa – Filiale Heinerscheid
Farm Support
Label from : 01.11.2009
Versis sa – Filiale Junglinster
Farm. Support
Label from : 01.09.2009
Versis sa – Filiale Noerdange
Farm Support
Label from : 01.02.2006
Versis sa – Filiale Wormeldange
Farm Support
Label from : 01.09.2004
Victor Buck Services s.a. – Bettembourg
Label from : 01.01.2009
Victor Buck Services s.a. – Capellen
IVY Building (site Capellen)
Label from : 01.02.2012
Viessmann Luxembourg s.à.r.l.
Label from : 17.11.2015
Building sector
Viktor Construction sàrl
Label from : 03.06.2016
Educational institution
Ville d’ Esch-sur-Alzette
Maison Relais "Lallange"
Label from : 01.08.2012
Educational institution
Ville d’ Esch-sur-Alzette
Maison Relais "Brill II"
Label from : 01.02.2010
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Echternach
Maison communale
Label from : 12.12.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Echternach
Label from : 12.12.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Echternach
École de musique
Label from : 12.12.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Echternach
Atelier communal
Label from : 12.12.2023
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Maison Relais "Brill I"
Label from : 01.02.2010
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Maison Relais "Brouch"
Label from : 01.01.2010
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Ecole Brill -cycle I
Label from : 01.02.2010
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Maison Relais "Papillon"
Label from : 01.01.2010
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Service Garage
Label from : 01.05.1995
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Ecole Scolaire Brouch
Label from : 06.11.2013
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Ecole Grand - Rue
Label from : 25.10.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Escher Schwëmm
Label from : 08.03.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Service Ecologique
Label from : 01.02.2011
Educational institution
Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette/Maison Relais Nonnewisen
Label from : 25.04.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Complexe Scolaire
Label from : 24.07.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Ciné Scala
Label from : 19.07.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Maison Relais
Label from : 11.07.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Label from : 20.07.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Services Industriels
Label from : 06.06.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Service Technique
Label from : 11.07.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Label from : 15.04.2019
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Serv.Tech. - Bureau Energie & Eco.
Label from : 11.07.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch
Label from : 16.06.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Diekirch – MHsD
Musée histoire / Maison Culture
Label from : 11.07.2017
Recreation and culture
Ville de Diekirch – MNHM
Musée Nat. d'Histoire Militaire
Label from : 02.07.2024
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais an der Schwemm
Label from : 01.07.2012
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Boudersberg
Label from : 17.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Deich
Label from : 29.07.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Gaffelt
Label from : 05.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Strutzbierg
Label from : 22.06.2015
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Brill - Bâtiment Baltzing
Label from : 05.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Boudersberg
Label from : 17.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Brill
Label from : 05.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Deich
Label from : 29.07.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Gaffelt
Label from : 05.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Deich Bâtiment Italie
Label from : 22.06.2015
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Brill-Bât. "Op Lenkeschléi"
Label from : 26.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Ribeschpont
Label from : 20.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Strutzbierg Bâtiment A
Label from : 22.06.2015
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Brill-Bâtiment Wolkeschdahl
Label from : 12.10.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Service Régie
Label from : 01.05.1994
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Centre Sportif René Hartmann
Label from : 02.10.2019
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Centre cult. rég. Op der Schmelz
Label from : 01.01.2012
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Ecole Strutzbierg Bâtiment B
Label from : 25.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Waldschoul
Label from : 20.06.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Label from : 18.05.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Hôtel de ville
Label from : 05.03.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Service Santé Scolaire
Label from : 14.01.2021
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Sociale
Label from : 19.02.2020
Organisations and associations
Ville de Dudelange
Bibliothèque publique régionale
Label from : 19.02.2020
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
grèngt Haus
Label from : 27.10.2022
Educational institution
Ville de Dudelange
Maison Relais Ribeschpont
Label from : 26.05.2023
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Dudelange
Schoul Lenkeschlei
Label from : 06.06.2023
Educational institution
Ville de Grevenmacher
Ecole précoce et fondamentale
Label from : 02.07.2014
Educational institution
Ville de Grevenmacher
Ecole préscolaire
Label from : 18.10.2013
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Grevenmacher
Atelier Technique
Label from : 01.10.2000
Educational institution
Ville de Remich
Ecole Rue Enz
Label from : 12.12.2014
Recreation and culture
Ville de Remich
Aal Schoul - Centre Culturel
Label from : 22.02.2018
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Remich
Maison Relais Remich
Label from : 15.12.2016
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Remich
Piscine Remich
Label from : 10.09.2019
Educational institution
Ville de Remich
Centre Scol. et Sportif Gewännchen
Label from : 12.12.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Remich
Bâtiment Administration
Label from : 22.11.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Remich
Atelier Service Technique
Label from : 22.11.2017
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Vianden
Label from : 30.03.2022
Companies, institutions and public administrations
Ville de Vianden
Service de Régie
Label from : 30.03.2022