Companies with the SDK label

Here you can find all the companies that have the SDK label.

Logo, SDK small
Commercial services

Becolux sa

2a, avenue Prince Henri, L-6735 Grevenmacher
Label from :  15.10.2014
Beverage production

Béierhaascht – Brasserie Salaisons Hôtel

240, route de Luxembourg, L-4940 Bascharage
Label from :  01.07.2004
Electrical trade

Beil s.à.r.l.

12, op Huefdreisch, L-6871 Wecker
Label from :  01.06.2011

Beim Coiffeur

13, Zone Industrielle, L-9166 Mertzig
Label from :  01.05.2013
Commercial services

Beissel & Ruppert Engineering and Consulting

34-38, avenue de la Liberté, L-1930 Luxembourg
Label from :  24.10.2019
Commercial services

Beng Architectes & Associés

12, av. Rock'n Roll, L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from :  01.01.2007
Commercial services

Berg & Associés sàrl

Bureau d'étude
1, route de Diekirch, L-9834 Holzthum
Label from :  15.11.2022
Building sector

Bergerat Monnoyeur sa

4a, am Brill, L-3961 Ehlange
Label from :  01.10.2004

Bernard Massard S.A. – Caves Ley

42, route de Trèves, L-6793 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.07.2005

Bernard Massard S.A. – Potaschbierg

15, op der Ahlkërrech, L-6776 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.07.2005


78, route Principale, L-7450 Lintgen
Label from :  01.10.2005

Bernard-Massard (Caves) S.A.

9, rue Schaffmill, L-6778 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.07.2000

Bernard-Massard S.A. – Domaine Thill

op Tomm, L-5485 Wormeldange
Label from :  01.07.2005
Trade and car repairs

Bësch a Gaarden Zenter Kellen sàrl

15, all. John W. Léonard, L-7526 Mersch
Label from :  01.06.2011

Besenius Safety – Center s.à.r.l.

4, Zone Industrielle, L-9166 Mertzig
Label from :  01.12.2008
Building sector

BETATEC Ingénieurs-conseils Sàrl

3, Zone d'activité Clémensbongert, L-9158 Heiderscheid
Label from :  14.07.2023
Commercial services

Betic s.a.

2, route de Luxembourg, L-4972 Dippach
Label from :  01.01.2013
Merchandise traffic

Beton Feidt sa

Atelier (Z.I. Um Monkeler)
Z.I. um Monkeler, L-4149 Schifflange
Label from :  22.01.2019
Building sector

Bétons et matériaux sa – Admin. Senningerberg

Group Baatz Senningerberg
1, Breedewues, L-1259 Senningerberg
Label from :  03.07.2015

Beweng S.A.

12, rue St. Willibrord, L-2729 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2005
Commercial services

BFF… s.à r.l.

35, rue de Père Raphaël, L-2413 Luxembourg
Label from :  07.12.2023
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Siège social
50, avenue J.-F. Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.03.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Bonnevoie
101-103, rue de Bonnevoie, L-1261 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Cloche-d'Or
8-10, rue Charles Darwin, L-1433 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Gare
76, avenue de la Liberté, L-1930 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Kirchberg
10, rue Edouard Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.08.2007
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Limpertsberg
43-45, allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.08.2007
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Bereldange
70, route de Luxembourg, L-7240 Bereldange
Label from :  01.10.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Differdange
26, avenue de la Liberté, L-4601 Differdange
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Dudelange
59, avenue G.-D. Charlotte, L-3441 Dudelange
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Esch/ Centre
30, rue de l'Alzette, L-4010 Esch/Alzette
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Mersch
1, rue d'Arlon, L-7513 Mersch
Label from :  01.10.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Schifflange
36-38, avenue de la Libération, L-3850 Schifflange
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Steinfort
5-7, square du Général Patton, L-8443 Steinfort
Label from :  01.10.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Strassen
255, route d'Arlon, L-8011 Strassen
Label from :  01.08.2007
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Kordall
20, avenue de Luxembourg, L-4950 Bascharage
Label from :  01.10.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Diekirch
5, rue de Stavelot, L-9280 Diekirch
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Echternach
25, place du Marché, L-6460 Echternach
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Ettelbruck
77-79, Grand-Rue, L-9051 Ettelbruck
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Grevenmacher
2, route de Trèves, L-6793 Grevenmacher
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Junglinster
2, route de Luxembourg, L-6130 Junglinster
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Mondorf
43-45, avenue François Clément, L-5612 Mondorf-les-Bains
Label from :  01.11.2006
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Redange
35, Grand-Rue, L-8510 Redange/ Attert
Label from :  01.06.2007
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Weiswampach
33, Gruuss-Strooss, L-9991 Weiswampach
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Wiltz
53-55, Grand-Rue, L-9530 Wiltz
Label from :  01.04.2008
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Käldall
149, rue Principale, L-3770 Tétange
Label from :  01.03.2007
Banks and insurances

BGL BNP Paribas S.A.

Agence Royal-Monterey
27, avenue Monterey, L-2163 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2007
Commercial services

BHW Bausparkasse AG

16, rue Erasme, L-1468 Luxembourg
Label from :  02.12.2014
Companies, institutions and public administrations


Ville d'Ettelbruck
9, place de la Libération, L-9060 Ettelbruck
Label from :  02.10.2015
Companies, institutions and public administrations

Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg (BNL)

37D, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Label from :  29.10.2021
Health and care institutions

Bieschbecher Atelier sàrl

47, rue de Luxembourg, L-7540 Rollingen
Label from :  05.04.2024

Bijouterie Bourg-Hardt

19, rue Guillaume, L-9046 Ettelbruck
Label from :  01.08.2009

Bijouterie Jentgen

- CC Auchan
5, rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg / Kirchberg
Label from :  01.01.2011

Bijouterie Schroeder

27-29, Grand-Rue, L-1661 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.05.2008
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Bascharage

111-115, avenue de Luxembourg, L-4940 Bascharage
Label from :  03.05.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Bettembourg

263, route de Luxembourg, L-3253 Bettembourg
Label from :  27.09.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Differdange

41, rue Emile Mark, L-4620 Differdange
Label from :  16.05.2019
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Dudelange

62, av. Grand-Duchesse Charlotte, L-3440 Dudelange
Label from :  25.10.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Esch Belval

5, rue de la Fonte, L-4364 Esch-Belval
Label from :  25.10.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Esch-Alzette

27, rue de l'Alzette, L-4011 Esch-Alzette
Label from :  25.10.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Ettelbruck

58, Grand-rue, L-9050 Ettelbruck
Label from :  26.07.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Mersch

37, Grande Duchesse Charlotte, L-7520 Mersch
Label from :  26.07.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Mondorf

1, avenue Frères Wiesenbach, L-5628 Mondorf-les-bains
Label from :  27.09.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Pétange

9, route de Luxembourg, L-4761 Pétange
Label from :  03.05.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Weiswampach

67, Gruuss-Strooss, L-9991 Weiswampach
Label from :  28.06.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL – Agence Wiltz

14-16, rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, L-9515 Wiltz
Label from :  28.06.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence 42JFK

42-42a, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2011
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Centre

26a, Bd Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2011
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Echternach

11, rue de la Gare, L-6440 Echternach
Label from :  02.08.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Findel

7, rue de Trèves, L-2632 Luxembourg
Label from :  02.08.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Grevenmacher

2, place du Marché, L-6755 Grevenmacher
Label from :  02.08.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Place de Paris

39, avenue de la Liberté, L-1931 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.11.2011
Banks and insurances

BIL- Agence Strassen

171, route d'Arlon, L-8009 Strassen
Label from :  29.05.2018
Banks and insurances

BIL- Banque Internationale à Luxembourg s.a.

69, route d'Esch, L-2953 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.02.2009
Trade and car repairs

Bilia – Emond Luxembourg sàrl

concessionnaire BMW-MINI
7, rue Christophe Plantin, L-2339 Luxembourg
Label from :  01.01.1994

Binsfeld & Bintener s.a.

site Kopstal
98, rue de Mersch, L-8181 Kopstal
Label from :  01.07.2010

Binsfeld & Bintener s.a.

site Kehlen
Zone Industrielle Kehlen, L-8287 Kehlen
Label from :  01.07.2010

Bio Boucherie Traiteur Niessen

Restaurant sàrl
137, avenue Gaston Diederich, L-1420 Luxembourg
Label from :  22.10.2019

Bio Man

Biométhanisation Mangen Marc
1, Buchholzerhaff, L-6925 Flaxweiler
Label from :  01.09.2009

Bio-Haff Baltes

1, um Suewel, L-9186 Stegen
Label from :  21.09.2021

Bio-Ovo s.a.

12, an Uerbech, L-7418 Buschdorf
Label from :  14.05.2014

Biog Molkerei Sàrl

17, op Zaemer, L-4959 Bascharage
Label from :  22.12.2020
Commercial services

Biogas Biekerich soc. Cooperative

Meimerich, L-8538 Hovelange
Label from :  01.08.2007

Biogas Our sàrl

10, Dikrecherstrooss, L-9834 Holzthum
Label from :  03.10.2017

Biogas un der Atert soc. Cooperative

35, rue de Reichlange, L-8508 Redange
Label from :  01.08.2007

Biogros s.à r.l.

22, rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach
Label from :  01.01.2007

Biohaff Toodlermillen

1, op der Millen, L-9181 Tadler
Label from :  23.09.2016
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Mersch
21-23, rue de Colmar-Berg, L-7525 Mersch
Label from :  03.08.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Mondercange
2, Grand-Rue, L-3926 Mondercange
Label from :  20.07.2021

BioneXt Lab

Labo. d'analyses médicales-Central
2-4, rue du Château d'Eau, L-3364 Leudelange
Label from :  15.06.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Belair 2
54, rue Maréchal Foch, L-1527 Luxembourg
Label from :  28.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Esch-sur-Alzette CHEM
rue Emile Mayrisch, L-4240 Esch-sur-Alzette
Label from :  20.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Heisdorf
19, route de Luxembourg, L-7330 Heisdorf
Label from :  16.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Pétange
3 - 5, route de Longwy, L-4750 Pétange
Label from :  19.07.2021

BioneXt Lab

Site Leudelange
2-4, rue du Château d'Eau, L-3364 Leudelange
Label from :  16.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Luxembourg-Gare
106, rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1521 Luxembourg
Label from :  22.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Merl
32, Boulevard Marcel Cahen, L-1311 Luxembourg
Label from :  28.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Rodange
8, route de Longwy, L-4830 Rodange
Label from :  19.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Roeser
47, Grand-Rue, L-3394 Roeser
Label from :  21.07.2021
Health and care institutions

BioneXt Lab

Site Schifflange
17-19, avenue de la Libération, L-3850 Schifflange
Label from :  20.07.2021