Detailed information
Cardboard and paper
Paper and cardboard should be free from other substances or contamination. Short fiber hygiene paper does not belong to used paper. Paper with paint contains dangerous substances and has to be collected separately.

Paper and cardboard are made out of cellulose fiber. Recycling paper is very important as the use of recycled paper means protecting the environment during production (for instance by a lower contamination of used water) and significantly reduces woodcutting. Energy and fresh water consumption is also reduced. Take a look on the directions about the ecological office equipment on www.shop-green.lu.
Be economical when you print (print as needed, print on both sides).
Recycling/environment correct disposal:
Fibers are mixed with water to form a paper paste, which undergoes various cleaning steps. Coating and ink are extracted and after water extraction the paste is used to produce new paper.
Important! Paper plates, pizza boxes, parchment paper, tracing paper, photo paper, cash register coverings, handkerchiefs and napkins belong in the residual waste!