Quantities and deliverers
The total amount collected within the SDK fir Bierger in 2021 was 3.260,8 tonnes. This corresponds to an decrease of 2,0 % to 2020. The population increased by 1,4 % to 634.730 persons over the same period.
The volume of problem products collected per inhabitant per annum has therefore slightly decreased to 5,14 kg.
The results of the national residual waste analysis carried out in 2018/2019 were available at the beginning of 2020 and were taken as the basis for new product-specific campaigns for prevention and separate collection.
The number of delivery persons at the mobile collection points in 2021 was 66,223, a slight decrease of 0.83%. This number is still the second highest recorded.
In general, the development is influenced by the COVID pandemic. In 2020, the number of volumes and deliverers was exceptionally high due to house/cellar clearances.

SuperDrecksKëscht® fir Bierger – Total quantity and quantity according to collection system / amount per year and inhabitant (in kg)
2000 – 2021