Sustainability, climate change and resource conservation are unavoidable topics nowadays. But how are these topics connected and how can they be effectively integrated into school lessons and everyday life?
To address this question, the SDK Akademie offers training sessions and coaching in cooperation with IFEN. The aim is to provide teachers with information on the topic and to discuss practical ways to save resources in everyday school life.
Discover the training modules and coaching:
• Ressourceschounung a geliefte Klimaschutz an der Schoul zesummen mam Label vun der SuperDrecksKëscht
• Resource conservation and climate protection at school with the label of the SuperDrecksKëscht as an internal training for schools
• From waste management to circular economy
• Sustainability, resources & co – what is it all about?
Our team of instructors uses innovative methods to impart knowledge in an educational, fun and practical way.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
You can contact us by e-mail at akademie@sdk.lu and by phone at 488 216 400.