What is it about?
A luminaire refers to the entire construction surrounding the light source and consists of several components such as the fixture, socket, reflector, shade or glass cover. The actual light source, which is referred to as the lamp, is located inside the luminaire.
Product groups
LED Lamps
Luminaires with replaceable LED lamps
In addition to energy efficiency and electricity saving, the energy source is also an important factor when it comes to „electrical energy“: Therefore you should prefer electricity produced from renewable energy sources. The following criteria also take account of the requirement that easy repairability of products and waste prevention are important components of sustainable consumption.
Criteria (examples)
Are assessed at luminaire/lamps: energy consumption (W), lumen output (lm), light efficiency (lm/W), life time (h), switch resistance (On/Off switching), components, packaging, consumer information, energy efficiency.
Are assessed at luminaires: easy repairability / long life of luminaires (simple change of defective LED lamps with standard sockets), energy efficiency, information on packaging, packaging made of recycled materials wherever possible.
More infos on: http://www.oekotopten.lu.

LED luminaires with replaceable lamps
A luminaire refers to the entire construction surrounding the light source and consists of several components such as the fixture, socket, reflector, shade or glass cover. The actual light source, which is referred to as the lamp, is located inside the luminaire (source: www.ledtipps.net).
A light (lamp) is a device for giving (particularly electrical) light (produced by a light bulb, neon bulb or light-emitting diode)(source: www.duden.de).
As part of the “circular economy” and with our current understanding that the ease-of-repair of items and the prevention of waste are an important part of sustainable consumption, the criteria for luminaires have been further developed.

The following points are covered by the current criteria:
- Energy efficiency
- Ease-of-repair / long life of luminaires (simple to change defective LED lamps with standard sockets)
- Information on packaging
- Packaging made of recycled materials (wherever possible)
More information
Energiesparende und langlebige Lampen/Ampoule à basse cons. d’énergie et longue durée de vie/Energy saving and long life lamps
Recommendations energy saving lighting
Long-life and energy-saving lamps
LED-Leuchten mit austauschbaren Leuchtmitteln/Lampes LED avec ampoules remplaçables/LED lights with replaceable bulbs