Garden waste – Green cuttings
Organic waste from the garden
In contrast to food and kitchen waste, there were and are usually no major problems with the recycling of garden and park waste.
In practically all municipalities and syndicates, the separate acceptance and recycling of green and shrub cuttings has been offered since the 1970s. However, at that time there were no composting plants; initially the garden and green waste ended up in special landfills or was incinerated. It was only in the 1990s that composting plants were created, which worked with modern technology and marketed quality-tested compost.
Here, the coarse garden and green waste, such as shrub cuttings, branches are first shredded and then mixed with the finer material, such as leaves, grass, unprocessed vegetable waste, etc., and then placed on so-called windrows. These are, for example, elongated triangular heaps (triangular windrows) that are turned over at regular intervals so that the inner layers are turned to the outside and vice versa. This serves to ensure that as many parts as possible come into contact with oxygen, allowing them to decompose faster and preventing anaerobic rot.
The disadvantage of pure composting, however, is that the heat and energy generated, as well as the gases produced during decomposition, are not used. The Minett Kompost facility in Monnerich therefore relies on a combination of composting and fermentation. In this way, the non-fermentable woody garden and green waste can be recycled together with kitchen waste, and organic waste from the garden and kitchen waste can be collected from the consumer in a green bin.
What can the consumer do ?
- Use the organic waste bin if it is offered in your community.
- Collect organic waste separately in the kitchen. Make sure that the humidity does not get too high.
- Use the option of self-composting if you have the possibility and can use the compost in your garden.
- When using the organic waste bin:
Make sure that the bin stays clean (e.g. by using newspapers, if allowed). Empty the pre-sorting bin at least 2 times a week. - Put your organic waste bin out every time it is collected, even if it is not full, and choose a shady spot.
The recycling of organic waste is very important. It provides resources for the production of energy. It serves climate protection so directly because the gases produced are used. The production and use of compost also contributes to CO2 reduction.
Under no circumstances should garden and green waste be burnt for disposal purposes. Even dry, clean material causes nuisance to fellow human beings and means senseless energy destruction and greenhouse gas production. Only the processing of woody garden and park waste into woodchips for use in modern heating systems can be environmentally friendly. However, care must be taken here that not too many nutrients are removed from the habitats.
Disorderly dumping in the forest is not allowed, as this not only does not look good but also affects the habitats of animals and plants.
Further questions can be answered by the SDK and, of course, the contact persons of the municipalities and syndicates.