The situation in the agricultural sector was for a long time such that it remained possible to deal with, and therefore minimise, waste with the use of closed-circuit handling procedures. But this sector has now likewise been affected by the wider blight of plastics and packaging, and materials such as scrap metal, electrical components, light bulbs or waste lubricants generated by the maintenance of buildings and machinery. The amounts involved often far exceed levels that are considered normal for a rural household.
Agricultural operations with queries regarding such issues can now turn to SuperDrecksKëscht®. The SDK is a free service offered by Luxembourg’s Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity in cooperation with the Chambre des Métiers (a craft trade association) and the Chamber of Commerce. Its primordial role is the provision of a free consultation service. Proper waste disposal normally entails going beyond existing structures. The SDK also offers a specialist waste-disposal service for particular problem-cases such as used lubricants.
The agricultural-sector services supplied by SuperDrecksKëscht® include :
- Advice, information and further training e.g. in cooperation with the Maschinenring association and ASTA
- Prevention and recycling, organising the collection of plastics in agricultural use, likewise in collaboration with ASTA and the Maschinenring association
- Tips regarding the eco-friendly treatment and storage of waste
- Documentation and certification
- PR work for authorised organisations
The SDK label acts as a seal of approval for environmentally sound waste management, and is certified to DIN EN ISO 14024 standards.
Commercial organisations and public bodies that implement the SDK concept all confirm their active contribution, through modern waste management, to the protection of the environment. Organisations from the primary sectors of agriculture, viticulture and forestry can also be awarded this label. A waste-management concept is developed in conjunction with the SDK consultant. This covers, along with other factors, the implementation of waste-prevention/reduction measures, the separate collection of waste materials and cooperation with authorised disposal organisations, with a view to ensuring the high-quality recycling and environmentally sound disposal of the residual materials concerned. Organisations that fulfil the criteria are awarded the distinction of the label. They are subject to annual inspections (two-yearly, once five years have elapsed).
One more detail: even if you do not carry out your own infrastructure or machinery maintenance, you can still engage specialist service providers who are authorised to use the SDK label, in full confidence that the waste products concerned will be handled and disposed of in an environmentally sustainable manner.
If you are in charge of a business in the agricultural sector, you can obtain this free advice via SDK. For further information, please call the SDK: 488 216 1 or