The artist Thomas Lloyd
in the 5C2 at the Sportlycée in Luxembourg

Thomas Lloyd is a street-artist from Luxembourg, in his works he combines colour-fades in abstract movements with Calligraphy inspired by the Fond “Old English Gothic” from the 17.century, as well as with illustrative and surreal Motives. During his studies as an educateur he combined his arts with pedagogy, through looking into the foster of the development via techniques of arts such as graffiti, Street Art, Virtuel Reality and more. While working in cooperation with firms such as the Urbani Limits asbl, the Kulturfabrik, Spray Peace and so on, he was able to follow his passion of working in the pedagogy and arts sector. At the moment he works for the Urbano Limits a.s.b.l. to hold workshops and to create his own murals and artworks.

The project
In this installation of the graphic representation of the 4 categories for the calculation of the ecological footprint, the aim is to show in which areas we consume resources. Positive and negative examples in the areas of mobility, food, energy and consumption are intended to stimulate reflection and serve as a guide to a more resource-friendly future.
( Calculate your own resource consumption in the 4 different areas: )