Our Team
Do not hesitate to contact us.

Environmental management, climat protection an CSR

Hoffmann Thomas
Responsable for environmental management, climat protection an CSR (+352) 48 82 16 - 217 thomas.hoffmann@sdk.luAdministration & logistic center

SDK Akademie

Public relations

Hoffmann Thomas
Coordination - Public relations / Communication (+352) 48 82 16 - 217 thomas.hoffmann@sdk.lu

Merenz Tamara
Public relations / Content manager / Shop Green / Repair & Share (+352) 48 82 16 - 221 tamara.merenz@sdk.lu
Wohl Chiara-Alexandra
Public relation / Creative Director / Social Media Manager (+352) 621 819 970 chiara.wohl@sdk.luConsultant

Albrecht Christophe
Consultation for companies / Green Events (+352) 621 819 968 christophe.albrecht@sdk.lu
Consultation for companies / Projects in the health sector (+352) 621 301 775 jeff.barre@sdk.lu
Belener Kevin
Consultation for companies / Resources potential (+352) 621 42 74 42 kevin.belener@sdk.lu
Biwersi Petra
Assistant coordinator - SDK fir Bierger / Consultation for recycling centers / Oeko-PUR (+352) 48 82 16 - 219 petra.biwersi@sdk.lu

Corrignan Eric
Consultation for companies / Consultation for construction sites (+352) 48 82 16 - 231 eric.corrignan@sdk.lu
Da Mota Patricia
Consultation for companies / Agriculture (+352) 48 82 16 - 222 patricia.damota@sdk.lu
Frères Thierry
Consultation for companies / Project railroad ties and tennis balls (+352) 48 82 16 - 237 thierry.freres@sdk.lu
Gregorius Julie
Consultation for companies / Shop Green (+352) 48 82 16 - 240 julie.gregorius@sdk.lu
Gretsch Claude
Consultation for companies / Labor concepts (+352) 48 82 16 - 248 claude.gretsch@sdk.lu

Klemens Cheryl
Consultation for companies / Clever Iessen - EcoBox (+352) 48 82 16 - 239 cheryl.klemens@sdk.lu

Schmit Jeff
Consultation for companies / Consultation for construction sites (+352) 48 82 16 - 236 jeff.schmit@sdk.lu

Stracks Romaine
Assistant coordinator for additional activities / Consultation for companies / Green Events / Shop Green (+352) 48 82 16 - 238 romaine.stracks@sdk.lu